Chart FX: Industry-leading data visualization components for the .NET platform.

Chart FX Features

Visual Attributes

  • Multiple Gallery Types

    20 different chart types, from the widely used Bar, Line, Area, Pie & Scatter, to those required by more demanding needs, such as Open-Hi-Lo-Close, Candlestick, Radar, Surface and Contour. Different galleries can be combined within the same chart.

  • Grid Lines

    Highly customizable horizontal and vertical grid lines, including interlaced grid lines.

  • Borders

    Select from standard (flat, raised, sunken, etc.) or artistic borders (embossed, embedded, riveted, etc.) for more dynamic charts.

  • 2D/3D

    Most charts can be viewed in 2D or 3D, and rotated to specific angles and perspectives.

  • Color Palettes

    Apply desired color to almost any object of the chart or choose from predefined palettes.

  • Constant Lines & Stripes

    Apply color and display either horizontal or vertical. Text may be added to constant lines.

  • Point Labels

    Show the value of each marker. Font, color, position and angle can be changed universally or individually for each marker.

  • Background Images

    Add images, such as a company logo or any other preferred image, to the background of the chart.

  • Legends

    Series and/or points legends can be shown in different positions: stacked (customizable, left, top, right, bottom, near, center, far, spread) or floating anywhere in the chart.

  • Gradients

    Add gradients to the chart's main and/or inside background or to each series for an improved look.

  • Multiple Axes

    Full support for unlimited X and Y axes.

  • Multiple Panes

    Chart FX allows you to render multiple panes within the same chart. You can compare multiple unrelated entities which share an X axis, all on the same chart.

  • Titles

    Supports multiple texts for the chart and each axis. Each title can have its own font and color, for an enhanced look.

  • Antialiasing/Smoothing

    Apply smoothness to the chart, text and/or chart markers.

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Citrix® and Citrix Xenapp™ are trademarks and registered trademarks of Citrix Systems, Inc.

All other names are trademakrs or registered trademarks of their respective owners.

Java and all Java-based marks are trademakrs or registered trademarks of Sun Microsystems, Inc. in the U.S. and other countries.